I still correspond with my brother-in-law the old fashioned way, but he’s the only one. I’m still paying my prescription drug plan with a check, payment stub, and envelope. The only other check I write is to my landlord. They only take checks or money orders.
Occasionally but it is rare for people to use snail mail these days.
Not even e-mail, because now they use instant messaging.
Another similar question would be, does anyone still use fax marketing? I think most of us nowadays are receiving promotional e-mails instead.
I am impressed that you still correspond with one of your family member in old fashioned way. I miss my penpal too.
Good Lord no, at least not personally. My hair isn’t THAT grey. Also don’t use fax machines unless I’m having to send documents to someone in their seventies at work.
I did until my cousin who corresponded with me by mail died. I miss her.
A downstairs neighbor is in the county correctional facility. We correspond.
My father likes to mail out letters.
I think it’s a waste.
Only cards, like holiday, thank you cards through the mail.
Yes! I do write snail mails. Last month, I got a letter from my friend in Singapore and another from Canada. My friends are very diverse. I’m moving out in a month so I’m thinking of sending letters to them after I move.
That’s a good idea. You need to keep your friends updated with your address.
I send cards to people in different town and cities
I have a friend in London and we exchange letters on regular basis
Yeah. I’m excited to write letters to them. Although we talk to each other on messaging apps, snail mails can be so beneficial for our friendship.
Thanks @shellys12 @anon10648258
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