Does anyone remember

@SurprisedJ whatever happened to him ?

I really miss @SurprisedJ
@Daze hasn’t posted in a while, I hope that she’s doing ok.


Both @Daze and @Sarad have been away for a while. I really miss them both :disappointed:


Yeah, @Sarad also.
I hope that they are well


@Wave I liked your post and I tried to like again as I thought something went wrong and it got Unliked and can’t like it again. Nothing personal.

That’s ok @anon80629714
Nothing personal :slight_smile:

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Guys I’m checking in every once in a while, only I don’t post or read too much. I can’t say its either good or bad here, I’m just trying to do what I’m supposed to do every day and…hope it will get better.
You are all in my :heart:


@sarad nice to hear from you :blush:

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You show likes to waves posts, ish, maybe it just looks different to you, but the hearts are both there.

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