Does anyone know how to write a message next to your profile picture

How do you write message next to profile picture.

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you have to request a mod to do it, some require pictures of cats, or stars, or fancy deserts, others i think @anon4362788 requires rick and morty memes as payment.

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You can ask a mod to add a tagline next to your moniker. For example. Mine is A friend in the struggle if that is what you mean?

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like yours say fools gold.

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What would you like it to say? I’ll do it now for you.

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Success. thats all.

Just " Success ". Or with the 'that’s all " ?

just success, dont put thats all. please thank you so much.

Haha…no worries. It’s done. Payment is a pic of a kitty cat and your welcome.

okay here. thanks.


That’s right @Lifer. I’m a Rick and Morty fan!


i know, i feel obligated to start watching so i can know what is a good meme or not. i have only seen a couple episodes, it just comes on so late, and im usually asleep by then.

i remember when i went to colorado a couple years ago, i was talking to this guy who asked me if i watched rick and morty and said no, and he looked at me like i was living under a rock haha.

Its full of clever and crude humor. Much better than Family Guy, but very violent.


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