Do your meds completely rid your symptoms of psychosis?

I’m described as mostly in remission with some breakthrough psychosis . Most stubborn is the bedtime people going to get in/are in my flat one. There’s a ‘sensing a presence’ element to that that can also happen during the day . Much of it is totally illogical. For example when I go to bed I put the light on to check if there’s anyone in the bedroom. Like why would a homicidal maniac wait patiently in the bedroom.

Then there are the thoughts that cross my mind which if held with absolute conviction would probably be delusional. A COVID based one - COVID are aliens trying to take over the world .


Yes i am psychosis-free now. But sometimes i see strange psychotic-like dreams.

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the positive symptoms are nearly all gone but the negative and cognitive problems stay


good luck with that :slight_smile:

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Mostly works for me I think.

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I just hear voices and have some depression while on meds.

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I’m bipolar, about 15% hallucinations stayed, damn it was 200-100 per day, im happy. I have audio and visual hallucinations, maniacal psychosis are damages and broken. Risperidone is greate for bipolar, really works.

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