Do You Stare?

Body language play a role in communication as does facial expressions. If you’re into that kind of stuff, watch this;


Looks cool. I like the actor too

Professor Mehrabian combined the statistical results of the two studies and came up with the now famous—and famously misused—rule that communication is only 7 percent verbal and 93 percent non-verbal. The non-verbal component was made up of body language (55 percent ) and tone of voice (38 percent


I’m into this type of stuff. Imo, I think its better than telepaphy


I can stare for minutes at nothing into open space. When I see someone attractive I try not to make eye contact because I feel that I’d make them uncomfortable.

I’d give a second glance at them when they look away.

On the other hand I think that attractive people should be used to being stared at.


im guilty of checking out attractive women. if they look at me I just nod and smile, trying to act friendly and then will look away. I can’t help but doing double takes though, I need to stop doing that. one look is enough. I know not to stare for a long time though.


Haha we think a lot alike.

I give them a “nod” when they check me out.

Actually I copy people and a girl once gave me a nod when I checked her out and I thought that was cool behavior so I adopted that pattern

And the double takes. I’m too generous. If someone gives me attention I feel I have to make themself feel good too. It’s my duty like. That’s why I do the double takes. And The internal stimuli tells me to double take. But then I can disagree with the internal stimuli and it can change with time.

Sorry if my post doesn’t make sense or I’m ranting haha but @Lifer you’re the man :man:


haha @Jonnybegood you’re too kind. thanks for the compliment. but if I were the man I would have a women. I wish. part of my problem was not wanting a relationship when I was younger. now I just regret breaking things off with 3 girls I dated in my 20’s.


Sometimes. Not usually on purpose. I have distortion hallucinations and sometimes people look really, really strange. If people stare at me, I usually just smile at them unless I’m feeling paranoid.

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I try not to stare at attractive girls don’t know why I just don’t. But I like people watching at the coffee place

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I don’t stare but I do look :slight_smile:
Not like too long but a bit yea sometimes sometimes I’m too scared to look hayaha

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i look a little bit too long sometimes and i don’t mean too. I’ve had some guys think i like them. But i didn’t mean too. I only do it sometimes when i get self conscious or think about it. a lot of times i don’t. I also do it when i’m with a professional like dr . but i’m really just being friendly. it really bothers me.

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I get caught out looking now and then. It happens more often when I’m tired. I tend to forget my manners and run on instinct.

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I do it driving around at work all the time.

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I stare. It’s bad, but it is such a habit with me.

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i tend to stare at people in general. not because of attraction, usually cuz im daydreaming and i guess something i saw on a person had me staring? lol ive been like that forever

many times ive heard ‘what are you looking at’ and i honestly have no idea why i was staring. or ‘hey turn around dont look at me’ lol

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Not nearly enough.


I like to make eye contact on the footpath. When i don’t I get walked over. Usually we say a quick hello or nod to each other. Sometimes i get asked for some coins when i look.

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