Do you see the faces in these crazy clouds?

one looks like a frog, the other; a man

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It’s defo Wario from super Mario bros though.


now i see Bowser in the first one


does look like him lol

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The first one looks like a dog.

The second one looks like Julia Louis-Dreyfus doing a celebrity guest star appearance on “Friends”.

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the second one to me looks like the monopoly man asleep with a giant fuzzy hat on

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heres the monopoly man. hes wrapped in a blanket wearing a hat


haha! true! now i can see a baby with a beaver hat on

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I see a burrito with Captains Jacks head wrapped in.?

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i don’t know who captain jack is

He was a pirate.

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haha i can see the monopoly man now, wearing a top hat

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First on looks like bowser or a dog maybe. Second one looks like a goblin.


oh yeah maybe its monopoly man with a top hat sleeping in a taco

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The first one looks like Ann Coulter doing Bill Maher.


now i see a dog making out with a rubber ducky


Clouds are the greatest gift to the imagination. We can see the justification. Reflection And the definition. Without these things. We would never become the greatest thing on earth. They inspire dreams. Philosophies Poetry And our own humbleness.

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well said @dr zen. Also, happy bday!

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I see a melting fella!


i saw a big eyed dog cartoon dog in the top photo and a frog indeed in the second.

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