Do you have allergies?

I have seasonal allergies. Reactions sneezing, runny nose itchy eyes. Sometimes asthma.
A new one for me is that I’m now allergic to wasps. Reaction possible death.

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I’m allergic to Green Tea and Strawberries.

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I’m allergic to everything. Trees, grasses, weeds, milk, bananas, avocados, tree nuts, cats, mold, wheat, latex. The seasonal allergies make my eyes and nose run. Milk and nuts make my stomach upset. Bananas and avocados make my mouth and throat swell. Latex makes my skin swell and break out in hives. Cats only bother me when I meet a new one; I get acclimated pretty quickly.


Severe dog allergy. Also a scent allergy.

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I had allergies to cat dog and pollin , then I started this course of allergy shots and in 6 months I was cured!

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