Do you give your voices a name?

Some of the voices told me their names… but when i use to hear from them as a group, the female voice would rudely say, “it’s us!” Glad i hardly hear from them now.

I haven’t named them. There’s a nice female one and a mean male one. The nice one’s more common. Sometimes the nice one can say mean things. The mean one never says nice things.

I’ve given a name to my pain. And that is Batman


I had three at the start Anthony and ownie and Noel. Then just Noel, but now he says that’s not his name so I have nameless

all the voices I heard were former friends and family. also I heard celebrities voices that I had heard on tv or the internet. at one point I had morgan freeman narrating my life for like 2 months, boy did I hate morgan freeman. there was only one voice I didn’t know who it was…a stranger. I thought he was a witchdoctor, he drove me crazy. I stopped talking to people and exchanging social graces because I didn’t want their voices to get in my head.

still have voices at night, but there barely audible, and I can no longer tell what their saying. they’re there but manageable on meds. so yes I know my voices names from real life.

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