"Do you even listen to what other people are saying"

A friend of mine obviously felt I wasn’t listening to him because of my mannerisms but the truth is I am often very distracted because of the schizophrenia. It’s not that I meant to be rude. People can talk to me and I have no idea what they said just a few minutes later.

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I listen if they’re saying something interesting. What I don’t like is when someone starts chewing on my ear with all kinds of meaningless detail. When that happens I start to drift away from people. I don’t mean to be rude, but I find that excruciating. For some reason people think I want to let them chew on my ear like that. I can’t get a word in edgewise.

This is why I come on this site man. I can only really interact with people online because I can take my time typing things and remind myself of what I was saying etc.

Very hard to do irl when youre constantly paranoid and hearing things

When I’ve gotten enough sleep and arn’t distracted by shiny things, I can listen pretty well.
Otherwise, not as much as I like.

I have to explain to co-workers that when it looks like I’m not listening, I am actually listening harder. I’ll close my eyes and position myself so that I’m receiving minimal tactile input. Shutting down or slowing my other inputs lets me focus more on their voice.


I’m a pretty good listener when I’m not really anxious.

When it is one on one I get some information in. When I am in a room full of people I can hardly concentrate. I then just try to look as normal as possible and try to listen to whoever I think I should listen to at that moment.

I don’t even know what to think around people. Usually I’m just wondering what it’s like to more normal or talkative like them and how can I start to do it.

I try really hard, I do care what people have to say, but when I’ve got voices it gets hard for me to concentrate on anything else.

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