Do I tell my new friends about my sz past? Opinions?

I wouldn’t to avoid the stigma. People will assume a lot of crazy things if you tell them you’re schizophrenic. I really wouldn’t tell them, especially if you’re not having as many symptoms these days


I feel like im discriminated against at university, my previous university and my current one. I get ignored after disclosing it, and other things have hinted towards it too


I wouldn’t bring it up, but I might talk about it under special curcumstances, but I never go there deliberatly.

My best friends know about it, but I never really bring it up when we spend time together.


I’m sorry to hear that’s happening, man. You don’t have mental health counselors available at the university? Maybe they could help? When I was a student in university, I wish I had the wherewithal to visit the mental health team provided.


It’s okay, I don’t feel like it’s a institutional thing. It’s more an individual thing, in the case of my last university (hertfordshire business school) i know i was being badly treated whereas in the case of my current university - because it is all remote/online - i have been ignored a few times which suggests to me it’s because they don’t take me as seriously


No i wouldnt bring it up for quite some time unless its unavoidable.

I think the last friend i let know i had bipolar was about 2 or 3 years after we met. But i didnt go into detail about it.

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Yeah the last time it came up it was at my bachelor party. I was explaining why i never drink alcohol except for that night I had like 12 or 15 drinks lol. And one of my newer friends happened to of been there. Everyone else knew me for a long time though and knew about it long ago.

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For me as per my surroundings

Tell your friends, who were with you, before sz
Don’t tell your new friends, who are with you after sz
Tell your friends, who have other mental conditions.

Because old friends will not judge you by the current page you are in.
New friends will immediately conclude the story of the book.
Other people with similar conditions are already in the similar script.