- Pinto beans
- Salmon cakes
- Ramen noodles
- Hobo dinner
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My kids love ramen noodles, lol. So I had to vote for them. They make their own concoctions with canned veggies, buffalo wing sauce, etc. Nobody said they had good taste, lol, but I don’t care what they eat as long as they eat.
Definitely!!! We used to feed the church kids ramen noodles for lunch Sundays. One kid complained about his lunch and I said”Why are you complaining? It’s free!” We fed those kids breakfast and lunch.
I can’t have beans anymore and they sound delicious.
What’s a hobo dinner?
Take a hamburger patty put garlic, salt and pepper on it Take some frozen vegetables do the same. Wrap all that up in aluminum foil and bake at 375 Fahrenheit for an hour.
Oh! Thanks. That sounds good.
It’s pretty good easy and cheap
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