Did sz or meds make you cold hearted?

I became cold hearted since being on meds, idk if its the sz, meds, or bcz I got older.


Been 10yrs that I have sz and that I am on meds.

The lack of help I received when I really needed it, has left me a bit cold hearted towards others now.


I became more compassionate, but with my disability and the meds I became slow to help. WelI, I became a bland tool in the box.

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In my case it has been the meds that made me less empathetic and cold hearted. I am currently weaning off Lithium and am feeling more and more like my old self. I can now cry when I should be crying and it feels so good.

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All my life I have been hyper emotional. Then, at about age 45, when I was confirmed, fell out of love, and my father apologized to me, all in the same year, I suddenly lost all my emotions.

Now, 16 years later, I still have no emotions. Which is way, way better than too much emotion.

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It’s a little bit of both. I think schizophrenia fundamentally changed me for the better or for the worse.

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I can be cold hearted sometimes. Sometimes I feel a little dead inside and don’t feel sorry for people. Partly it’s because so much has happened to me that I hardened up a bit.


I felt emotionless before meds sometimes i feel like a robot.


I’ve always felt disconnected from the majority. I’ve always had a dark sense of humor, and am very honest, most take themselves too seriously for me. I have only a handful of people I truly care about, and would do things for. I can leave anyone behind at a whim if they’re toxic. I don’t tolerate bs. I’m as cold hearted as I need to be.


I agree, off meds I have extreme emotions like extreme irritability which makes me violent and get in trouble with the police.

I feel like a robot who can eat. I think more like a zombie.

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Yeah i feel like im just there doing my thing, when people start crying in front of me and tell me their issues i dont know what to do.

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My sense of humor is sadistic ppl say. I was like that even before sz but meds numb my emotions so its a bit better. Idk why. I used to laugh in funerals or laugh when someone get injured or when I hear that someone died. I laughed and made mean remarks to my father yesterday bcz he’s old. I feel like a sociopath sometimes.


I laughed at injuries too i dont know why but there was a sadistic scene of a movie on tv my aunt started crying and i was trying to avoid laughing.

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I often wonder if I have sociopathic features, but I don’t know. I think I feel empathy for some, but largely, the rest of the world is separate from me, and I don’t care what may happen to it.

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I’m an ice cold ■■■■■ but I can also be very compassionate and emotional. I think sz changed me in some ways.

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Being emotionally detached is a sign of PTSD.


I’m not cold hearted. I don’t show emotions because of how I was raised, but I definitely feel emotions and I care deeply for others

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I just have apathy since having sz. I read its a sz negative symptom.