Did anyone else’s voice make up their own crazy story?

Yes. This whole mess started when my voices told me that there was a battle between good and evil and that I had a mission from God. 4 had names, but they seemed to be more of a collective consciousness as opposed to individual entities.

I used to frequent an OCD forum where people kept asking me if I was hallucinating (turns out I was), but this episode was the final straw. They said I was schizophrenic and that they couldn’t help me, and I guess at some point I looked up the right words to find this forum. I don’t quite remember how I found it.

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At some point my voices started calling themselves the collective. It was so strange. Sometimes they’d tell me to be quiet because they were sleeping or they were discussing something.

Well, they responded with incorrect answers. I accused them of lying to and manipulating me, but one voice said something along the lines of “just because we can’t do math in their heads doesn’t mean they aren’t real,” which is technically true, except they don’t need to do any math as they claimed to have access to all knowledge, only they weren’t permitted to share all knowledge with me. They tried to trick me with that, but I wasn’t buying it because, when those arrogant bas tards knew something, they weren’t shy about it. They always say I’m not allowed to know.

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I would probably do the same lol.

I think my voices will probably do something along the same lines IF they aren’t real. They ARE tricky bas tards but I won’t be buying it either, if they don’t give me an answer it’s party time for me!

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It doesn’t have to be some special event. Just ask them questions throughout the day, and eventually, everything will fall apart.

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Also, I want to ensure that I’m not giving you false hope here. The reason my voices are mostly gone are the meds, not this. This is more about breaking free from their command. They’ll still be there, but you’ll be better able to ignore them if you believe that they’re nothing.

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When I read some of this stuff I think members are still smoking pot.

Yeah back in the day off of meds the voices broadcast total about princess Diana. It was quite disturbing me living her trials.

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Oh no your not thank you circle. I know I’ll still have a fight on my hands if they are not real, but just to know they aren’t real would be HUGE to me.

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I’ve never used weed, or done any other street drugs, for that matter. I just got unlucky.

yes for me in the early stages of my voices it seemed like they struggled to be speak in a way where I didn’t think of what they would say before they said it and struggled to sound make some voices like female voices or male or when they imitate voices and stuff and now its been 12 years and they are complete rational smart voices

My experience as well was a narrative that we developed together. Some of it came from nowhere, but most of it came from the world around me. My religious beliefs, messages I thought I was hearing through the music I listen to, what people around me said and my interpretation of it all heavily influenced my delusional state.

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Yes, that’s exactly how it was for me. It was like we (me and this collective consciousness) were riding the world together. I must admit that I sort of miss it. I can surround myself with as many humans as I want, but nothing compares to having companions 24/7. It’s a different world.

Did you ever experience them talking to you and telling you things without using audible words? So strange how that happens?

agent101g, the Voice got very mean. I told it I wouldn’t listen if it was disrespectful. It’s like when you were a kid, reading a good book or watching a good show, and you didn’t hear your mother calling you to the dinner table. Now, I hardly ever hear it unless I “tune in.” And I usually don’t.

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Maybe? Sometimes, they would sort of guide my own train of thought as opposed to creating their own.

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