Depot today

Having my depot today. Who is also having depot this week? I got up early, drank some water and had a bowel movements. Its a rainy morning today and this is making me feel to stay in bed.


I am surprised that there are people who can tolerate the antipsychotic injection. Don’t you notice depression or suicidality with the injection? or problems socializing?

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Is my depot day today as well

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The injection works well enough for me. Been 5 years on depot and I have gotten used to it. I think if the injection is not working for you then you have to work with pdoc to get the right meds and dosage that works for you. This might mean trial and error.

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Took a walk in the yard


Also yesterday was day 40 since I started back exercising daily.


No neuroleptic meds work. They only dampen symptoms. It’s not a cure. And the majority of people with sz end up with illnesses from the side effects. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, Parkinsons disease. There has to be another way.

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My depot is next Monday

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I agree. I wish there was a better way.

I bathe and change and wearing my favorite blue jersey and jeans. Leaving home shortly. My shoes are coming apart. I have to stick them.

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i had my depot today too =) had it this morning.


Had my depot today its been a tough couple weeks with my dad sick and my own health worries but things are getting back to normal now hopefully. I had mri scan and im okay. Dad has ct scan on Sunday so fingers crossed

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Oh oh. Wishing you all the best.

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I am back home safe and sound. A student nurse did the depot today. They got new stock so I am back to my usual dosage.

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Random photo from town center


I got my injection a few weeks ago.

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