I have my depot today. Who else is having depot this week? My sleep was spotty last night but I feel rested nonetheless. I got up and drank some water. Had an ok bowel movement. Now I am relaxing listening to recitations. In a short while I go to the mini mart.
Good luck with the depot.
I take pills. My pdoc prefers pills to shots.
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I had my shot 2 days ago.
I needed it
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I had my shot last week.
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Bathe and got dressed with my favourite blue jersey and blue jeans. Relaxing and then I leave promptly at 9am.
I am back home safe and sound. Thank you for keeping me company on my journey. My depot has gone back to being every 4 weeks now.
i had my depot today too =)
No depot for moi… I like to eat my pills
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