It’s beautiful! I like how it looks like you’re viewing it through textured glass.
It creeps me the heck out tbh,
Am definitely not putting it up on my wall:’
Thank you all the same xx
It’s stilll drawn well even if it reminds me of the conjuring 2
I haven’t seen it I don’t think
are these hallucinaton inspired
I’m not sure. I had a bit of a psychotic episode and this is what I painted. I dont remember painting it, I must’ve been somewhere else.
It is similar to one of the demons I used to hallucinate, yes, I guess so.
It’s beautiful in a creepy way. Or creepy in a beautiful way. Either way, you’re very talented!
That gave me a PTSD flashback
Oh no! Haha
I am very sorry
Thank you so much!
I feel like my art sucks nowadays,
I miss having the focus to do realistic stuff.
So it means alot when people enjoy it
Reminds me of the “black boy” from saint Anthony the great of Egypt’s story. He overcame a demon of lust and it appeared to him as a black boy
Looks like somebody rubbed the eyes out.
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