Delusional theme poll

Unfortunately, yes. I don’t think they are controlling it all the time but I think they ‘can’ control it and they have controlled it. I also think they monitor me inside and out 24/7/365

It’s pretty bizarre. There is much more to it as well.

Yeah it’s a real intense and dark place to be whether or not I describe it.

Sorry about making a joke probably shouldn’t have done so.
I’m crazy too, madness is a never ending terrible place.

I couldn’t imagine the experience of that, hopefully we both find peace

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No worries. I am OK with the joke.

I get very, very paranoid about what ‘they’ are going to do to me up to and including mental/physical extreme torture and sacrifice. But when I have a brief moment of relief, I try to laugh about it. It makes me feel closer to sanity.

I hope we both find peace too. I am still hopeful that my delusion will go away at some point. I know it has happened for other people.

The reason why I am asking this is because I had some “control” delusions of my own. I believed that the medication that I am taking was inhibiting all of my neurotransmitters (Dopamine, Serotonin, Muscarinic Acetylcholinergic, NE, Adrenaline, etc.). However, I finally realized that it’s belief. And belief is separate from the mind and body. I am in control of my belief. Therefore, I cannot be “controlled” so long as I decide to believe that no external thing controls or can control my thoughts and/or feelings. I decided to say or think things such as, “If I believe that the medication is a placebo-based treatment, it is so.”, and so forth. Think about it. The placebo effect. So long as one decides to believe that mind-control is placebo-based, there is no way anyone can control you.

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All of the above and more.

Beautiful post with beautiful advice.

The only way anyone could control your mind in reality is by convincing you that they could.

I actually had a delusion that my family members would torment me and plot against me, etc., after taking the medication each night. I figured that the medication made me uncoordinated, unable to think, unable to realize things, etc., and that they “knew” all of this; which was why they “decided” to plot against me, torment me, etc., after I took the medication each night. I even “overheard” my younger brother say one time, “I’ll just deck him when he’s having one of his panic attacks!” to his friends on his online game. It was terrifying. At the time I had no idea it was a delusion. It doesn’t matter, anyway.

I ended up reading Anthony Robbins’ book “Unlimited Power” three times this past autumn. I know it sounds diabolical, but it’s not what it sounds like. He says that faith is power. Jesus Christ had power, and yet he was divine.

I even believed that the medication I took made me sinful. It was kind of like what you were saying about the mind control. I believed that I was taking a “satanic pill” every night against my will. I would constantly ask my parents if I could reduce the dosage, or not take it at all. But I finally realized that I was believing that it was taking away my self-discipline. So in other words, making me impulsive, idish, etc. I even believed that the medication took away my capacity to believe. But even so, I was believing that. So I did have the capacity to believe and to have faith the whole time.

It’s simply whatever I want. I know my delusions aren’t based in reality. They aren’t actual. But, hey, who’s to say that if someone wants to be a certain way, they can’t be that way. I’ve caused upsets here in my family’s home quite a bit of times. Usually they were all based on me wanting to leave the house and run away somewhere else, or whatever. Recently I was just simply saying, “I just want to figure things out for myself”, over and over and over again. My brother ended up coming downstairs, yelled at me, pushed me, and then threatened me with a chair. I believe it’s all a matter of perception. Sometimes people are so superficial that they cannot see that people are not their behaviors.

Years ago, I was sitting in my Dad’s chair at the dinner table eating. He then got home and asked me if I could move. I refused, insisting that I “needed” to sit in his chair. This was based on a delusion that arose after meeting an expert family therapist, who was also a psychiatrist, and we were doing family therapy sessions. Well, apparently, it all “went to my head”. I believed that he was Satan, and that we weren’t really doing three-generational family therapy. We were really conducting “Satan therapy” sessions. I even would say at times, “I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Blank (I won’t disclose his name) started encouraging us to all ‘Hail Satan’ at our next session with him.” Of course we weren’t “conducting” Satan therapy; we were simply talking about our experiences. But I was too preoccupied with that belief.

I also have a delusion that I am Christ’s favorite disciple, or his beloved one. Yeah, I tend to be disciplined and such. However, sometimes I realize, “What’s my reason for being disciplined right now?” Is there even a reason for being this way? I mean, no one has ever told me, “You need to be self-disciplined and have tremendous self-control!” There really just isn’t any reason for me to be that way. If someone said something to me verbally, on the other hand, then I could see why. But sometimes, I just start to see no need to be disciplined or exercise total self-control or whatever. After all, no one has ever said to me, verbally, that I need to be that way. Now I haven’t really gone into the self-discipline thing a whole lot. After all, why would I when no one has ever given me a reason to be that way.

I’m 29 currently. I’m going to be thirty this month. I really don’t care, though. Well, I’m pretty tired of typing this, so I’m gonna call it for now.

I picked aliens as I walked around for a few years thinking I was mentally in contact with every living thing in the universe and I could hear and see them everywhere like I was standing on a spot that broadcasted across the entire universe.

Part of me still thinks it’s real but the medication makes these experiences less consuming of my consciousness.

i could have picked other things but this one for me is the most real.

i chose government conspiracies and delusions of reference. i think i’m spied by my hacker friend, CIA and certain celebrities…(i know i’m not important.) yeah the truth is “nobody cares”. my recent delusion that i had today is Rafael Nadal lost because of something I did… and Fiona Apple’s “valentine” song is about me. hahahaha…


Lol. Nadal lost to Thiem yesterday. I guess he was tired after winning 3 titles in a row… but now he has more time to rest before the French Open.

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You don’t have paranoia listed here.

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I have 3-4 of the above list

I would also select more than one.

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Right now my only delusion is that I’m possibly Jesus Christ re-incarnated. But I don’t worry about it anymore, but it’s still in the back of my mind. Before meds, delusions of reference was the worst thing.

I’ve had a handful of these though. Interesting poll.

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Hello again,

I am happy for you that you were able to mostly overcome your delusions of mind control. That’s great. I do my best but I am not there yet. I still believe in my delusion. I believe that I actually have implants in my brain that they put in and then made me forget they put them in. They use these implants to control my brain and there is no chance of overcoming this control. It works on me and it would work on anybody. I remind myself everyday that it makes no sense that my entire world is staged (including the news, The President, Music, everyone on the free-way, everyone at the airport, everyone at school etc.) That would cost an ungodly amount of money. I remind myself it makes no sense that the world would go along with such a scheme. It makes no sense it would go on for 15+ years (which is how long I believe it has been happening). It gets twisted because my brain tells me that I am actually one of the researchers in the brain study and that I did this to myself. I allowed my ‘colleagues’ to control me and monitor me for the sake of science. Eventually, I cam to believe I am the savior and I did this to myself for the world. I have access to all skills and knowledge of all humans who have ever lived but did this to myself and ‘they’ (my colleagues) made me forget (because I asked them to) all my skills and knowledge or that I was in a brain study. That way the study could be authentic. I try hard to remind myself none of it makes any sense but alas I still believe it. Some days it is more in the ‘background’ than other days. Some days it is front and center. Like today.

That has wound itself into my delusion as well. Like maybe my ‘realization’ that I am Christ returned started ‘this whole thing’ (brain study)15 years ago. It pretty much sits in the background now but I am still not sure. When I became sick (2 years ago), I made the connection, for the first time in my life, that my name is Christine and my mother’s name is Mary. Never even thought of it until I got ill. Freaked me out for awhile but it is likely just a coincidence.

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Yeah I have a lot of coincidences to Jesus Christ as well. Not that, but other things equally as similar. And the delusions of reference make my life seem “more important” than it prolly is…

I never realized them until I became mentally ill either. It doesn’t help that my theory is that Jesus Christ was mentally ill himself :astonished:

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I found it humorous how many Jesus’es are running around in the mentally ill world when I came on this website. I have only been MI 2 years and I thought my Christ delusion was unique. Not hardly :slight_smile:


Jesus heard voices and had grandiose delusions…he may have been wiser than most. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t SZ or bi-polar or w/e. Unless you truly believe he rose from the dead or something… But I’m not sure if the fact that he was mentally ill should make me think I’m a farce, or I have another thing in common with Christ :thinking:

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I think these ideas just occupy the space of mind.
Like a consciousness in your head.

So in say a idea of a force just like the grasps of insanity.

Truly Sane being no force