Delta 8 THC

My partner and I were imbibing in Delta 8 edible gummies around New Years eve. My partner ate 18 gummies, practically the whole bottle and she got paranoia, psychosis, depression, grogginess and migraines.

I was paranoid in the smokehouse store before we even bought it. After I took two gummies, two days apart, I became paranoid, psychotic, depressed and teary.

Here it is a week later after my last gummy and I’m still having symptoms. I’m staying far away from that stuff.


Delta 8 is not CBD. It is a weaker form of THC.


Delta can get you high, I don’t think you reacted well to the drug, it may pass as it leaves your body.


Why are you dabbling with THC @SkinnyMe?
You should of known better.

THC can aggravate psychosis and trigger paranoia.

Let this be a lesson to you.


Pure THC is much more dangerous than weed when it comes to psychosis.

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Be careful with that stuff. I find im hypersensitive to thc. One puff and all my senses get warped.

Maybe try valerian tea for relax?

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You’re absolutely right @Wave . I should have known better.


Yes I did but they were my usual mumbling voices and were incoherent.

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Hmm, this is very strange.

I got complete CBD oil from online. It has 1500 mgs CBD/CBDA per bottle and 25mgs per serving 15 drops…It made me really sick Im still recovering…I saw the study that cbd could prevent covid…and I prob took more than the recommended 100mgs per day dose or two droppers…

I couldn’t sleep for two days, my ears stop and start ringing again so it didn’t “cure” my tinnitus. It came back after the CBD wore off. I thought it would have health benefits. My throat is sore and I feel like Im sick and weak from exhaustion.

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Just give it a week you’ll recover

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No wayyy that cbd can prevent covid…

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It was mentioned on the late show with stephen colbert…tho thats not exactly science there have been a few articles floating around on the internet. I hope its ok i post the link to the show if I not I can delete it. Im also vaccinated and got a booster. I had ordered the CBD for the tinnitus not covid…but it didnt help much so I dont think its the most useful.

He talks about it at minutes 10:30 just in case you want to skip ahead. Also, this episode wasn’t very political at all so thats why I posted it.

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I just want to note that black pepper is effective at reducing the high.

It competes with the THC in the receptors in the brain that it binds to.

And that stuff is horrible.

For me it made me experience derealization or whatever it is . but it was borderline traumatic.

Once the high wore off from the black pepper I felt some relief but it still haunts me.

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Oh the black pepper method!

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I’m glad I never listened to the people at vapor maven and when they first got delta 8 they tried lying to me about what it was! I still refused and I’m glad I did… I’m sorry you had the reaction but it is a lesson to not only you but everyone here

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Are Delta 8 THC and THCa the same thing? I suppose I could google that, but I’m feeling lazy lol. I’ve tried THCa and didn’t have any problems, and I’m VERY sensitive to weed/regular THC.

It’s basically the same. I can’t remember off the top of my head the specifics, but it does the same thing as regular thc.


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Thanks for the link. I haven’t tried Delta 8 because it sounds artificial. I’ll stay away from it, even though I do consume hemp flower.

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