Delete my account

Please delete my account. I don’t want an online presence. Thanks.

Message from @SzAdmin modified by mods to reflect current procedure:

Occasionally we get an request from people who want to delete / anonymize their account here and leave the site.

That is fine, we have no problem with that - but the issue is that a very large percentage of people change their minds after a while and cancel that request or just join again later. Because of this , we ask that you make two separate requests to staff at least two weeks apart (sort of a “cooling off” period). You may either create a new thread and tag staff in it, or PM staff directly to make your initial request. If you think about it and two or more weeks after your first request you really want to fully anonymize your account - then make a second request. It is easier for us to keep track of the time between requests if you use the same PM or thread that you made your initial request in to make the second request, so it would be appreciated if you do this.

We will then anonymize your account

Does this post count as my first request?

Yes, it does. You can comme t on it in 2 weeks to let us know if you still want deletion