Daughter called me pharmacy mom

My daughter and her fiancé came by last night for Kleenex , sore throat remedy , cough syrup with codeine for bronchitis , Motrin for fever aches and pains, DayQuil to take of stuffy nose at work and benedryl to take care of runny nose at night. I resented the fact that she called me pharmacy mom. Although I do keep things stocked for her.

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I carry my meds with me - so I guess I can be considered a walking pharmacy!! :walking: :pill:


If it really bugs you, have a talk with your daughter about it.

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My Dad, my brothers, my sis have all been/ are still lifeguards. They ALL have first aid kits, pocket resuscitation masks, shock blankets, sterile gloves, emergency cones… in the trunk of their cars. It’s like a mobile MASH unit.


I bet she meant that in a good way. And you are a mom!


you are a caring mum, that is what good mum’s do, good on you.
take care