Dating question

Hey guys… I want to know your opinion on something. Should I date a girl I’m not attracted to physical? Like i run into a nice lady online that would give me a chance but I’m not physically attracted…could that work for a person like me who’s finding it really hard to meet any girl for some reason…

Your honest opinion please :smile:


Could you date a person you don’t enjoy having sex with long term?


IDK, maybe once you get to know her better you might find her sexier and to your liking. You’ll be taking a chance though because it might not happen. Guys get horny, maybe you’ll get horny enough to have sex with her even though you are not initially attracted to her. I wouldn’t date a woman I wasn’t physically attracted to.

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why shoot yourself in the foot? wait for the right one perfectly for you.

I don’t think you should go out with someone you’re not physically attracted to.


Physical attraction can follow emotional attraction.


I would date her just for the experience and something to do

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Be honest, but use a lot of tact. Much of it depends on how you read her. Try to get an idea of where she is coming from, and then decide if you want to be with this woman.

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Not a good idea imho. But if you find something about her attractive, go ahead!

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She may have an attractive personality

An attractive personality can make a person look attractive physically in some magical way.

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I say no, if your not attracted don’t do it.

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Date and you will see

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Be open to anyone
And the chances of two people colliding
Open and able and available might happen
But statistically means you have to collide with a lot of people
But also chance it can happen sooner than later

You could not ever be physically attracted to her. Meeting to see if it’s different in person is good. That doesn’t work, she could be a friend, would be nice.


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I think I might have to just wait and see in that situation!! She could very well be a friend or more!

Welcome to the forum and thanks for the advice!


Nah I wouldn’t date her if I weren’t physically attracted to a woman.

Perhaps, friendship, but I would not want to date.

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Yea I kinda think the same thing but man it’s been two years … I can’t be too picky when all the chicks ghost :ghost: me lol

Honestly…it’s just a hypothetical…I started talking to a chick I had very little attraction to and she seemed like maybe she might give me a chance. I think that situation might be the most likely one for me so I have to decide how to go about it


If you were experiencing symptoms recently, I wouldn’t worry about some chick ghosting you. It seems normal to me lol.

By these I mean that I would wait to be close to 100% good to decide, maybe you’re not in the best of moods rn.

I feel here you’re not beeing too kind to yourself… which is something we all struggle with tbh


A romantic relationship isn’t about just the banging only. You do want to be with someone who makes you happy everywhere you are together. Also if you dont want to vomit at the sight of them running naked to the bathroom at 3 in the morning that’s really a plus. :woman_shrugging:t2: most relationships aren’t all fiery sexual chemistry the second you meet. That’s just in the movies.