Crystal’s help thread

Yes I think its just a belief

A belief very firmly held and contradicted by reality- ie. a delusion. It is like going around in circles

Not firmly held

What so it was just a fleeting thought for fun?

yes i guess that

It didn’t seem that way at the time. It is very easy for you to say that in retrospect just to prove your spurious thesis that the doctors have somehow got you all wrong

Where to get CBD oil?

I was trafficked at 19 until I got away. They used to drug me. They got the drugs from a GIRL who told them ways to make girls completely unaware and to have blackouts.

I’m aware but she’s my friend

Regardless, you need to avoid drugs, including weed because it can make you more psychotic and paranoid

I’m not paranoid or psychotic

You often are actually

Why do you think that?

You always think people want to kill you. Plus, your dr says you are and they know better than any of us

I know myself better than they do

I just wanna enjoy my life

Why can’t i smoke a little weed

It can trigger paranoia, hallucinations and delusions

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Are you sure about that

It can make mental health worst.

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