The score ranges are:
95-116 exceptionally creative
65-94 very creative
40-64 above average
20-39 average
10-19 below average
I think those are the ranges for test my creativity. I got 59.47. I was surprised it was above average because I don’t feel very creative.
49 but it wouldn’t let me input a few answers.
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I’d posted that link earlier, but not given a score. My result is 39.37
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I got a 65.32 and I was more towards the curiosity side. I think the test is fair.
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I was more creative, by quite a large degree, when younger and more acutely ill.
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Oh i clicked it away. I scored 76 or 78 or so, i think.
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I got an 81 with spikes in paradox and curiosity
Nice! I took it again. My spikes were in curiosity, paradox too. Also boldness and connection. The rest was normal.
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56! I guess I am creative lol
Can I take this quiz without having to give my email or sign up for anything to get the results?
You should be able to. I took it yesterday but can’t remember my score, lol.
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I forgot to look at mine. I think it had to do with analytical.
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I took it again, got 62.67, which is about the same. Highest areas were complexity and paradox. Lowest was boldness.
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