
Mellosomber is the best mood. It is the one that provides the most acceptance and comfort to me. My life is a b and a half.

Everything is good. Took my new buddy roomate 4 months of paying consistently for me to trust I don’t have to be prepared to start paying for everything. So that’s cool. He’s going to be vacant for a couple weeks as well… Let’s me get a taste of having the place to myself in a more true sense.

Righteo melosomber… relaxed stoic. The half dead appreciative. Beautiful words to me. Heard that somewhere.

I really do wish you all well. My age of high involvment as well as the presence of my specific peers has passed. but to @brian… the boss man. You have truly saved my soul. I can only offer condolences… and Thank you. I do love this place. It actually works.

So gtg…



Is this a farewell to this site? It sounds like it. That would be too bad; your posts are interesting and insightful most of the time.
And no one else besides you are going to tell me I struck again, lol.

He’ll be back :thinking:

No I’ll be lurking around from time to time… Just got to a point of reflecting on things.


good to see your doing well man.


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