Cotard delusion and schizophrenia: Signs and treatment


Wow that’s something else!!!


I sometimes believe my soul is immortal, but I’ve got doubts so it’s not a delusion.

During psychosis, though, I used to feel invincible and would jaywalk a lot. Luckily someone talked me out of it. Then my delusions shifted towards brain chip (implant) and living in a simulation, but I no longer felt immortal.


This is strange. I’m schizoaffective bipolar and I did have immortality delusion but never Cotard’s


I guess I have that because I don’t think that this is real and sometimes I think that I don’t even exist. Delve deep enough into numbers and symbols and that’s the only logical conclusion.


I thought I was dead and stopped eating for a very long time. I became so thin (could no longer walk) if I did try it was extremely painful and being made to take a bath - my ribs and bones against the bath was particularly painful) the acute ward was going to send me to another specialist clinic - in the priory. I’ve never heard of this term before. Until very recently. Looking back I thought it was influenced by reading UG. Krishnamurti. I read all his books prior to being hospitalised and they frightened me hugely. Though gave me some profound insights it seemed at the time. And looking back I dont regret reading his material. Just I’d prefer not to have almost died ironically thinking I was dead. I still don’t agree with my diagnosis. And I had a brain scan and was told my brain looks normal, no abnormalities. So I don’t know still.


This was me. I walked into crisis and told them I was dead yet I was there bc I was suicidal.

Nothing made sense to me. So I was chucked into an acute ward and put on Risperdal.

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My paranoia was so bad that I had thoughts such as ‘I am a legend, they will still be talking about me one thousand years from now’. So I did a self-administered EMDR while thinking that thought and it went away after that.

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A fellow mental case at my clinic screamed on the bus he’s gone and he’s not coming back. I’ve got to thank that psycho for confirming my delusion, thanks, A.

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