How much does it cost a month to live in a group home?
@crimby might know it…???
I lived in a group home for a few years, and it’s good and bad. The good: You’ll get SSDI on your first application (there’s a person who only does SSDI so s/he is an expert). The bad: The group home will take 95% of your SSDI check to live there, so you typically have about $50-$100 per month in spending money.
Kindness ur married right…???
No, but I live with my girlfriend (5 years now).
At the assisted living center where I live everyone is on ssi or ssdi. They take our whole check. Then they give us an allowance. In the “independent living” part of the program they give us money to buy groceries and other necessities. Right now I am getting $49.00 a week, plus a monthly stipend of $50.00 that they give the nonsmokers who don’t get the daily pack of cigarettes they give all the smokers. I’m also getting $143.00 a month in food stamps. Some of the other people in the independent living program get $59.00 a week or even $70.00 a week, but I don’t think they get as much in food stamps as I get. I also get an extra $10.00 a week to clean four bathrooms on Monday and on Thursday every week.
The people who aren’t in the independent living program get $10.00 a week allowance. The nonsmokers also get the $50.00. A few of them also get paid to do little odd jobs. There are currently seven people in the independent living program and about thirty in the regular program.
I am in the process of going to a supportive living situation and the Charity that I’m dealing with will probably be taking 30% of my SSDI income.
95% seems like a lot.
I don’t know but maybe I’m wrong.
Thanks for the replies everybody, how is it possible to own a phone or a car if they take all of ur money?
If they take 95% of my SSDI income or more, I will not be a happy camper.
I’m going to find out for sure how much will be deducted.
Yea that’s allot I’m having second thoughts about using a group home as a back up situation, might as well live with roommates it would be cheaper.
Can you work part time while living there and keep that money?
I think Yes, but you have to consider SSDI income.
I lived in one from 1990-95. They took my whole SSDI check for rent. When the Social Security administration gave us yearly increases in benefits then they raised our rent and still took my entire check.
But I was working the entire time I was there plus going to school. The owners did not allow anyone to own a car or drive. They made one exception the entire time I was there. I do not know if every group home has the same rules or if they charge the same. It may be different from house to house, city to city or state to state.
I think that it depends on the organization or charity as well.
I’m allowed to own a car - drive.
I like having my own place. Maybe when I am old and senile I will look into assisted living.