Computer in the mind

I feel computer in the mind
Monitor my brain activity
Control me and spoil all my life


Oh man, this hit home for me. Sounds like what Iā€™ve been experiencing.

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Itā€™s definitely a delusion. Sometimes I think my brain is a quantum computer or was uploaded to a computer because I can access other past lives in parallel universes. Most of it was pain and hell. A lot of suffering back to back thousands of times. Every life Iā€™m schizophrenicā€¦

But the brain isnā€™t a computer. Itā€™s more complicated. It has free will, imagination, intuition, can solve complicated math problems, etc. Its more advanced than a computer.


I thought this same exact thing back when I was having my psychotic episode. Medicine made it go away.

Can you get to a doctor?


I will do in the near future

When I first started hearing voices, the female voice would always say, ā€˜well who is it?ā€™ My imagination along with guilt for anything I was doing wrong pointed me in the direction as to ā€˜who it was.ā€™ I was completely out of my mind, thinking the DEA along with CPS and the local law enforcement were investigating me and my fiance because of the meth we had been using. The strange thing is, these police officers who were supposedly stalking me with synthetic telepahy were also electronically having sex with me. Insanity, I know! I became obsessed with the chase for whoever had sexually stimulated me with their tactile hallucinations. ā€œWho the culprit wasā€ jumped all over the place, but for the longest I was under the impression it was all coming from a computer system in Israel (go figure) and an IT guy was the one with the crush on me.

Are you still taking meds? Strange thoughts are normal but the meds clear the mind and give you peaceā€¦

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I thought sometime ago we are robots powered by an ancient device from a forgotten civilization ages ago.

My thoughts arenā€™t delusional anymore, I take 15 mg of Zyprexa. I still have tactiles though.

I used to have strange sensations in my head too. They would prompt unusual thoughts not unlike the ones mentioned above. Fortunately abilify took care of that long ago.

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I agree that this is occurring with my consciousness/mind activity as well.

No but my senses were distorted and I felt like I was experiencing the world through a neural interface. As if I was wearing a very sophisticated virtual reality set. Or something like that. So I concluded I must be living in a simulated reality. And more delirious thoughts followed.

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Same here man. Schizophrenia sucks. We all experience it differently. It has a wide variety of symptoms.

But we probably do live in a simulated reality. It doesnā€™t bug me anymore.


In one of my past lives, my family went insane or crazy when they found out we lived in a simulation I think. Some of my delusions ended up being true. They couldnā€™t handle it. Sounds like a delusionā€¦

Iā€™m worried people will go insane, aliens or simulators could make people insane. Thatā€™s one of my biggest fears.

I first heard of simulation theory in 2011 after watching a NASA scientist talk about it. I couldnā€™t handle it and had a mental breakdown.

Even if there is a higher power or a group of very advanced aliens who run the show, I donā€™t care. This world is all I know. Iā€™m part of it. Itā€™s my only reality I donā€™t want to ā€œbreak freeā€.



Yes acceptance can set ourselves free.


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