Computer Engineering

Anyone like this major? I’m trying to pick between Computer Science, Mathematics, and Computer Engineering.


:nerd_face: I wish you the best as you decide.

Computer science seems like the most lucrative, software products can have a very high return on time invested.

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I’m a software developer and I studied computer science. If you pick computer science, you will be mostly programming softwares. If you pick software engineering, you won’t be necessarily be as good in software programming. You may be doing also other things. There are a lot of job in software programming. I don’t know if there are as much for software engineers.

What did you end up deciding to do? Go back to community college or start 4 year college…?

Nothing yet, unfortunately. Still doing nothing with my life. I’ve been taking online courses though. I earned a couple of certificates.


Get a cheap computer to program with put linux on it. And just start messing around with programming various things. That way if you mess it up who cares. Take free code courses online too. Find out if it’s something that holds your interest before committing to it.
I find that if there is something practical I can program I am more interested in it. I am a beginner :yum:


I like computer science, I see a greater demand = but who am I, I’m just some lunatic stranger on the net.

Anything is better than sitting at home doing nothing. I think online classes are a good way to spend your time… Maybe you can be a volunteer webmaster for somewhere or take a part time job or internship to get experience. Start small but start somewhere. I think if you have the initiative to do online classes, you’re ready for some schooling. However, no shame in staying home as this illness is a full time job.

Make sure you do an internship. My sister got a degree in computer engineering. Then took 2 years off to work at my moms store to help her out. Now she has a big of trouble finding a job. Experience matters almost more than the actual degree. At least that is what I kinda pieced together. I’ve gotten jobs just because of my short time in the air force.


Look for off-lease graphics workstations. They are used, but so wicked powerful that they’re on par with new machines that cost five or six times as much. I own several and will never purchase a new desktop again.


How did you find them? Auction? Or used computer store?

I’ve used Linux before. I sort of prefer Windows right now. I’ve used Macs too. I haven’t really used Unix though.

@insidemind I’d pick Computer Science because software development for applications, operating systems and firmware is always needed.

@exhile what about majoring in physics because some day Quantum Computers will be available (when I don’t know 10 + years? ).

@insidemind Future technology will come later. Be more concerned about current technology trends which are now smartphone app development.

We don’t know even know how quantum computers will be applied in current world situations yet. It’s still in research and development.

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My problem is with abstraction. Computer Science can be very abstract.

How long did it take you guys to learn Object Oriented Programming?

I’m not a computer science major. I took business courses and from what I learned in economics, software programming is the way to go.

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I took some business and economics classes too. I was thinking investor/business owner is the best way to go. We learned about long term investing.

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