Comorbidities with chronic physical conditions and gender profiles of illness in schizophrenia. Results from PREST, a new health dataset

CONCLUSIONS: Results confirm partially previous findings and call for a more proactive and comprehensive approach to the health care of patients with schizophrenia. Specific profiles of risks for concrete disorders were identified which could be explained by selective underdiagnoses or higher exposition to risk factors in this group of patients. Results also suggest the need of a more gender oriented approach to health care in schizophrenia.


. Hypertension (16.8%) was the most prevalent diagnosed comorbid condition in these patients. The risk of having neuropsychiatric disorders including Parkinson (OR up to 47.89), infectious diseases (OR up to 3.31) or diabetes (OR2.23) was increased, while the risk of having cancer (OR down to 0.76) or some cardiovascular conditions (OR down to 0.63) was reduced.

You know, I read in this one book on schizophrenia that researchers found this weird lack of certain types of cancer in sz’s, despite sz’s habit of smoking cigs habitually. They thought the genes that were triggered to cause sz might also affect the cancer propensity.
I’ll go see if I can find the book:
Might be this one, I read a lot of books in my past (when my attention span was better)

It’s an oldie, but I remember being impressed by the science at the time.

Great link, thanks!