Coming out to others at volunteer

I have been working at charity shop one year
And I mentioned my medications
She asked me what medications were for
I said schizophrenia
She seemed surprised and said she wouldn’t have guessed


That’s awesome!

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I wish you well. :fearful:

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I’m afraid to come out to people. Nobody here at my assisted living center knows my diagnosis except one lady who is a former minister of a church and she is sworn to confidentiality. Another friend of mine here knows I am mentally ill but does not know the nature or name of my illness. Absolutely all of the other residents are completely in the dark. When I moved in here, I was told by the management to keep my diagnosis a secret.

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Well done to you. You were brave to tell her what the medication was treatment for. The more people hear the word schizophrenia mentioned without fear, like diabetes or epilepsy, the closer people will come to understanding it. Then prejudice will begin to fall away as people see that people who suffer schizophrenia are normal human beings.