Clue movie remake

I was searching for a clue clip for another thread and I discovered they are making another “Clue” film, based on the board game.

The 1985 clue was one of, if not the, favorite movie of my sisters. I like the movie quite a bit myself.

I guess the new film will star Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman.

What do you think about this remake? Do you think it’s a travesty to make a remake of such a good film or do you think its worth it for a possible few laughs?

My intuition tells me its likely never to be able to rise to the level of the first, personally.

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I can’t speak for this movie as I’ve never seen the original, but I just think find it obnoxious how all these sequels and remakes are coming out to older movies.

Some films are like time capsules, and they capture certain filmmaking/art trends of an era, or maybe were made at the height of a great filmmaker’s career.

Making a remake does these original works of art no justice other than being a studio cash grab.

Okay! I’ll get off my soapbox now.


Nooooooooo. You can’t improve on anything with Tim Curry in it. Leave it alone!


Yes. This. How do you even begin to cast a new Clue movie? Who in the world could ever replace Tim Curry and Madeline Kahn in particular? :thinking:

I never watched it, but the Dark Shadows movie? Um, no. There can only be one Barnabas, and the story may be campy, yes, but is not a comedy.

Showing my old age. :blush:


This made me think of bill and ted where they play the reaper a game of clue

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I liked the first one and liked the game even though I think I only played it like twice in my life and lost both!

Not that I watch a lot of movies these days but the remake would be on my radar simply for fond memories of the first one.

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