I had a typical teen obsession with clothing. Really, it’s calmed down to the idea that I don’t like clothing all that much but it’s the human way to cover at least some.
My opinion on clothing is that it is here to stay.
‘Let Us Feel The Air, Inside The Clothes That We Wear’~ The Constantines. (Alternative)
You could always join a nudist colony.
I just looked it up. There’s a nudist colony less than an hour away from me. I didn’t know it was there. It even had great reviews about how friendly the people are.
You know the best thing about working from home?
Pants are optional.
‘I Got Magic in My Dancing Shoes’~ Scissor Sisters (Alternative)
I need better clothes. But I’m pretty agoraphobic on account of truman show stuff plus headaches.
When I lived by myself, it used to be the best thing about taking online classes too. Nothing like studying Hobb’s or the Sistine chapel and the Enlightenment pantsless while eating a bowl of chocolate pudding, with the heater cranked up to 90 degrees, the radio playing in the background, and a cat at your feet. Is that sacrilegious?
I love how you get me.
My man.
Sorry, I have to put it out there that this thread makes no sense.
What doesn’t make sense about it? She doesn’t like clothing anymore
I didn’t mean to interrupt. Please continue
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