Christmas Cards

Wow! That’s gorgeous. Your daughter is very talented. She might want to consider doing custom pet portraits, for example on Etsy or similar platform. That seems like a popular thing on Etsy. I had a custom pet portrait done years ago by an artist in Helsinki Finland who did watercolor paintings and had a store on Etsy.


Hey @Zoe Maybe this could make a nice card, I was out with my neighbour having fun in the snow today and did this-


Haha that’s awesome.


I love these photos!

I wanna Shadow card! :purple_heart: (just kidding, I know about the confidentiality rules against sharing addresses).

Y’all are sweet people.


I gave out about 6 cards, its hard to find the right time to do it, I was in my mental health charity & i asked a few people (its a bit awkward) but they were happy to get one, One member actually gave me a card with a nice message in it but she refused to accept one in return (said she’d throw it in the bin) lol
I gave my Sis hers & the Boss & His charity,

The Boss was saying where’s mine (joking) he said after all i do for you you cant even give me a little card :sweat_smile: :rofl: so i said i got you a bigger one & he was aghast :upside_down_face: i cant find an emoji that could do that expression justice

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I ordered two boxes of cards this year (BOGO), so I have a few cards for this year, and another box for next year. Anyhow, this year, I’m sending out pop-up Grinch cards. There were 8 in the box, which is exactly how much I need. I used to go all out and send to extended relatives and stuff, but I never hear from them, never get cards back, nothing. So I’m only bothering to send to the people that stay in touch with me. It’s a good thing because I was able to buy a smaller amount of nicer cards for the same price.


I think I’ve given out as many as i can this year, Maybe I’ll give a few more away, I need to post another 2 but i am so lazy :frowning: I think I’ve given at least 25 cards :slight_smile:

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We have gotten over 40 at this point. My wife has too many cousins.


I have 7 so far, i might get some more idk, I’m happy with seven for now, its a lucky number :slight_smile:


I can send you extra, but you also have to take the cousins.


lol, I have a lot of cousins too, one of them has 12 kids but only 7 are his. Don’t ask me to name them, I think ones called Gracie though that’s all i know

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Uh oh. Shoplifter.

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not sure what you mean by that, i think he married her though

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Bad joke. Taking kids home from the supermarket.

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it was pretty funny bc he wanted to stop at 5 kids but she kept on going lol (she already had 5) the oldest of which had schiz & had a fight with my Cuz, Idk much about it, but the boy was unwell.

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Both my wife and I were supposed to be sterile so we didn’t bother with birth control.



A Possible new Christmas card front image ?

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A Scare Picture of me for a Christmas card, :slight_smile: LOL Just Kidding .

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Here is my card to you all it requires 1/4-fold … !st fold in half then in half again.

holiday card I made .25 fold please.pdf (514.7 KB)


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