Can't believe people

Can you believe people are actually proud of the way they look?

I mean look at us, we are skulls for crying out loud, we’re hideous.

Blood, bones, organs, all rotting and soon to whither into dust.

Do people actually think they look okay or something? They act like they are okay with how they look.


Schizos are different people. We’re to concerned with our symptoms . We transcend the usual concerns of human life. Really very few people are beautiful. Everybody’s just average unless they have boils or acne or some other skin condition. Obese people are a different story. Whatever though enjoy your life then rot away no reason to be bitter towards people who are stupid.

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Man you are a major downer sometimes @pansdisease

Have you found anyone else that thinks the same way you do?

If you like the way you look or if you hate the way you look…you’re still focusing on looks. It does have a primal trigger to most, but I think I understand what you mean. I’m never satisfied though. My expectations are unworldly.

It isn’t looks im talking about.

It isn’t shape, color, height, none of this.

It’s what we are. Mortal, suffering, aging, diseased, blood guts and bone and brains. Not looks, no people look fine i suppose, it’s the reality of our being thats all, it doesn’t look good and it doesn’t feel good.

If I knew the reality of our being I would be satisfied.

The reality of our being is hideous.

Maybe yours, but that’s one of the things I still have hope in.

Hope is like gambling.

You a gambler?

No, my hope can’t be measured by probability.

Just expect the worst. Thats all im saying.

I do…just have some hope in the opposite.

Read this and thought of your post.

In the chapter “Analytic of the Beautiful” of the Critique of Judgment, Kant states that beauty is not a property of an artwork or natural phenomenon, but is instead a consciousness of the pleasure that attends the ‘free play’ of the imagination and the understanding. Even though it appears that we are using reason to decide what is beautiful, the judgment is not a cognitive judgment,[80] “and is consequently not logical, but aesthetical” (§ 1). A pure judgement of taste is in fact subjective insofar as it refers to the emotional response of the subject and is based upon nothing but esteem for an object itself: it is a disinterestedpleasure, and we feel that pure judgements of taste, i.e. judgements of beauty, lay claim to universal validity (§§20–22). It is important to note that this universal validity is not derived from a determinate concept of beauty but from common sense (§40). Kant also believed that a judgement of taste shares characteristics engaged in a moral judgement: both are disinterested, and we hold them to be universal. In the chapter “Analytic of the Sublime” Kant identifies the sublime as an aesthetic quality that, like beauty, is subjective, but unlike beauty refers to an indeterminate relationship between the faculties of the imagination and of reason, and shares the character of moral judgments in the use of reason. The feeling of the sublime, itself officially divided into two distinct modes (the mathematical and the dynamical sublime), describes two subjective moments, both of which concern the relationship of the faculty of the imagination to reason. Some commentators,[81] however, argue that Kant’s critical philosophy contains a third kind of the sublime, the moral sublime, which is the aesthetic response to the moral law or a representation thereof, and a development of the “noble” sublime in Kant’s theory of 1764. The mathematical sublime is situated in the failure of the imagination to comprehend natural objects that appear boundless and formless, or appear “absolutely great” (§ 23–25). This imaginative failure is then recuperated through the pleasure taken in reason’s assertion of the concept of infinity. In this move the faculty of reason proves itself superior to our fallible sensible self (§§ 25–26). In the dynamical sublime there is the sense of annihilation of the sensible self as the imagination tries to comprehend a vast might. This power of nature threatens us but through the resistance of reason to such sensible annihilation, the subject feels a pleasure and a sense of the human moral vocation. This appreciation of moral feeling through exposure to the sublime helps to develop moral character.