Can you still be psychotic on antipsychotics?

Zyprexa dont do much besides i talk to myself less.

Very much so. Hopefully less psychotic and that the meds help you develop insight into the symptoms that remain.

My psychosis mostly involves auditory hallucinations. So I could tell if I was still psychotic, if I was still hearing voices.

Could you try not using it temporarily? Maybe find someone to open up too? Even a person here online helps, just as long as u don’t have to send nudes lol

Geodon made me either more psychotic or equally psychotic in a different and terrifying way. So yes, the wrong medicine can leave you in just as bad or worse shape…

Yes, of course 666/999

Yeah I talk to my mom alot about my crazy delusions about heaven and God and the voices saying that there God and gonna send me to hell forever for smoking cigs

Well I’ll share a cigarette in hell with you if that’s true, even though I’m trying to quit

Lol we will then iv tried everything to quit and my voices say every one could do it

Describe psychotic

I didn’t even know where I was. I was living in a dream world but awake. It was quite dangerous.

Psychosis is like a dream
When you’re in it it feels real
When you come out of it it fades away like a dream after you wake up…

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Is it possible to go in and out of psychosis for over a year?

how long did it last?

About a month. Then I switched to abilify.

Yes it is possible. I have constant delusions that don’t go away completely but my voices come and go. I only hear voices about once a week or two. Sometimes a month can go by before they come back.

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