Can This Site Get More/ Better Emojis?

Would this be complicated to do?

I mean instead of just the ‘Heart Like’ button.

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We had them before for a brief time. Some people liked them, some people didn’t.

Forum was automatically updated with them and then they were removed.

I imagine its a setting that SzAdmin might be able to change?

But like I said, not everbody liked the change.

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I think any way to add more expression to our interactions is a good idea

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I couldn’t care less if the “emoji sets” are changed. What I’m not a big fan of personally, is changing the “heart” option to different emoji’s, like we had for a week or 2 way back when. I think it overly complicates things.

I like the forum streamlined like it is myself where you can see how many hearts a post has. I prefer 10 hearts to 3 hearts, two thumbs up, 3 poop symbols, a dagger, and a shrug. lol . or whatever :stuck_out_tongue: .


It’s not on my list of features for this site. What I want is Facebook style blocking of other users.

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If we are now talking about features we’d like on the site,

I have some suggestions too.



I want a free hamburger button :yum::hamburger:

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Can it be a free fancy ramen button?


This was supposed to be “Wimpy”, the hamburger dude, but it kept drawing popeye…

Edit: Ps : He is on a trap door :grimacing:.





Also, a lot of the badges are dependent on hearts…so you also probably be undermining the badge reward system if change the heart options again. If that matters at all to anyone.

That’s not an emoji. It’s a software function.

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I hope I have not contributed to people wanting to blockme for things I have said or done



No, sir. Not once. EVER.

You are All That.


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No, you haven’t.

I would also like to put in a request for better coffee. The stuff @SzAdmin is serving right now is awful.
