Can phones get viruses

I’m wondering if phones with internet can get viruses computers get viruses from the internet it makes sense that it might


Best using anti virus on phone etc, dont know which one i use but theres a few

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Id imagine any technology can ya

With apple products you just need to update the version in system settings. I used to surf porn on laptop and it corrupted my pc, but phone wroks fine lol


Yeah i think if you have a phone that isn’t older than a few years and still gets regular system updates, you shouldnt need to worry about viruses at all. Unless your doing extremely insane stuff on your phone maybe.
Desktop computers or laptops on the other hand are supposedly way more vunerable to viruses and hacking etc.
But this is all just stuff ive heard, and my uneducated personal experience makes all that seem true.
I dont think any average person needs to worry about antivirus programs and such with thier phones.


Yes they can get viruses but it’s pretty rare with iPhones


iPhones rarely get viruses.

Androids have a bigger chance of getting viruses.

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Yes I heard phones can indeed get viruses. I hope this doesn’t feel any kind of delusion. Tho

Humans can get viruses too

does apple store have the game clash of clans? this game is very suspicious. i lose loot and gems

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