they say know…is lil creepy to live with it…what do u say…???
With therapy you can treat a personality disorder, but not with medication. Axis 1=Medication and therapy Axis 2=Therapy Axis 3=Medication only?
Or so I was told.
thanks dude…take care…
Yeah, I’ve known people with Borderline Personality Disorder who took meds for years.
One can treat the underlying physiological conditions that typically accompany PDs with meds, but not the PDs themselves. So, yes.
All PDs are treatable with psychotherapy. DBT (see below) has the best, journal-published track record right now for the “active/aggressive” DSM III & IV Axis II Cluster B PDs like narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, sadomasochistic, even antisocial, are amenable to DBT, ACT, MBBT and 10 StEP treatment.
But sociopathic and passive-aggressive PDs are notoriously difficult to treat because the pt rarely provide motivational hooks for the Motivational Interview Techniques / Motivational Enhancement Therapy needed to get pts more fully “on board” and committed to psychotherapy.
Cluster C “passive/submissive” PDs are also quite treatable with these mindfulness-based cognitive therapies.
The Cluster A “semi-psychotic” PDs are the most difficult to treat because of underlying physiological problems typical with them. Even so, many pts with Schizotypal and Paranoid PD respond to the CBTs intially, then the more trust-requiring MBCTs (as below).
MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc
10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing
Thanks dude…
no word to thank u…
take care…have a good day ahead…
I read a few years ago of a specially developed type of therapy for personality disorders, is called schema therapy (
For borderline personality disorder a name often sticking around is to Marsha Linehan.
As they have advised informed about mindfulness.
However I want to give you some advice, if you find a doctor who knows what he does, there are some drug treatments that can enhance the therapy.
My psychiatrist mentioned that my paranoia could be connected to my personality.
I am assuming that its part of some sort of personality disorder - Paranoid Personality Disorder is not even in the new DSM5 - but paranoid traits are.
She (My pdoc) said that my paranoia is separate from my bipolar disorder - its another issue entirely - she is blaming my personality so it seems.
I need to get a more detailed explanation on what she thinks and is saying.
It does not matter which medication - AP I am on and at which doses - my paranoia always remains - this could indicate a personality disorder.
That is wrong as this PDF shows.
@firemonkey - I thought that the DSM 5 eliminated Paranoid Personality Disorder - are you saying that it still exists?
Well thats good to know
Yes it still exists though I think it should have been changed to acknowledge many paranoiacs are fearful rather than confrontational and aggressive . As currently stands it’s a substandard diagnosis.
Okay I am not @notmoses which means I am far from licensed but I live with my sister who has borderline. I have elements of personality disorders but as far as I know, I don’t have any of them full blown. I am firmly diagnosed with chronic paranoid scz, which is like the ace of spades of mental illness. It beats the other disorders and even overwrites some of them. It’s just like “oh he is super ■■■■■■ up give him the horse tranquilizer”
Most personality disorders are not treated with medication, however borderline often is, and the meds are ridiculously diverse. I mean some Zoloft or sometimes a lot of Zyprexa. The go to for borderline is DBT. Borderline is one of the dramatic/erratic cluster personality disorders and this “label” is quite appropriate just as my label of “chronically, severely mentally ill” is.
The other personality disorders? Well, except for schizotypal, which is sometimes treated with children’s doses of antipsychotics, are mainly treated with therapy, often rather intensive, like every single week. Personality disorders are rarely responsible for landing someone in the hospital. Even antisocial personality is included in that; most psychopaths are not criminals and most criminals are not psychopaths. The guy who evaluated me told that to me and my parents, and he works with prisoners.
I dunno what else to say- yes, they can be treated and should be treated, most of the time with once a week or twice a week therapy. Perhaps not even a clinical shrink is an necessity for some of the less severe personality disorders, but I am a little picky about shrinks and only want to deal with very high caliber ones who can handle a big mess of ■■■■ without throwing up. lol
Jeff Young’s use of ST for PDs was built in Aaron Beck’s and Art Freeman’s landmark book, Cognitive Theory of the Personality Disorders, New York: Guilford Press, 1990. It is a good method for dealing with the “stinking thinking” that is characteristic of each particular type of PD.
Nor are most of the PDs that were in the DSM III and IV. And that has really upset a lot of people in the profession. (Most MHPs use the DSM V to dx for insurance purposes only now… and see the thing as at least partially irrelevant otherwise. A sad commentary on how science has been turned into an authoritarian religion.)
Paranoia is a cognitive – or thought – construct. Bipolar is physiological condition. They may effect each other, but they are coming from two different universes, so to speak. Bipolar can be medicated. Personality disorders – and the cognitive distortions they come from – cannot be.
My last post in the thread “Contrariness & Continuing (Unnecessary) Suffering” is germane to what you’re asking about.
I guess I’m something of an exception in that my paranoid PD is treated with an atypical depot and not therapy. It is more useful at reducing a reaction on account of paranoia than stopping the paranoia itself.
From the reaction when I had a spell of being late for the depot they must think I need it even If I question whether I do to myself.
What meds actually treat is the PTSD and/or bipolar co-morbid with florid, “classic hysteric” borderlinism at least 80% of the time.
As I’m sure you already know, szt being a PD has been debated hotly for decades. I don’t care one way or the other; just mentioning it for edification.
You and me both, bro.
In the UK it’s listed under schizophrenia and related disorders(or whatever the title is).
Schizotypal is interesting to me- I have an old friend who has it. He is extremely intelligent. We were best friends when he was at my high school for a year. He was in extremely advanced classes and was two years young for his grade. He was taking second year calculus and was 14. Today he is back in France, he dropped out of Orleans university or whatever in biology because he wasnt challenged. He told me he had a 4.0 and already knew the stuff they were making him take…and I always heard that Uni in France was too hard?
He and I took an IQ test on this site a year ago and I got 133 and he got 151. I don’t think his test was a fluke. I guessed on a couple.
He is very odd. He loves LSD and psychodynamic and psychoanalytic theory, he is obsessed with it. He wears all black during the winter and then dresses very colorfully in the warmer months. He makes music, he plays several instruments. Last time I talked to him, he was in the US in Las Vegas with his parents for vacation. He was last making a living by making beats for rappers…in France…apparently enough money to live off of and buy cigarettes and LSD…and the original works of Freud and Jung…and clothes…lol.
I really do love that guy, not in a homosexual way.
Medications can help a bit with certain Personality Disorders - Meds have never taken away my paranoia completely - its always a constant with me, I just do not trust others.
Therapy can be very difficult for people suffering with paranoia, especially when its connected to personality.
I have a difficult time trusting my therapist - Its a hot and cold relationship.