Brainwashing homosexuality

are you being brainwashed to be homosexual?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

wait what :neutral_face:

Someone’s trying to soften sir boring up for the ol’ in out in out.


Nope, always was.

someone told me that I’m being brainwashed to be homosexual

not another post or comment about this. I hear enough of this crap from my in laws. they claim I brain washed my partner into being gay. that’s like saying you can pray the gay away.


I didn’t realize I used homosexual instead of heterosexual…

making new thread… sorry guys…

I don’t understand what you mean. We are who we are. I do think there is a political movement to force people to accept them under the penalty of losing their jobs or to face public excoriation(the spelling is wrong on this I think). There was another person that came out as antigay and people kinda attacked him. That is a problem with a lot of the lefts beliefs. You either believe what they believe or some of them attack you. I wonder how much tolerance the right has as it is hard to look at oneself. However I see less and less from the left. I have to say left now and not liberal because many liberals are going to the right. This post will probably get removed but the sad truth is there is no freedom of speech anymore. You can get fired for your beliefs on either side of the spectrum.

the thread was a mistake… I accidentally used homosexuality instead of heterosexuality. I was multitasking (writing c++ program and watching youtube video while eating) and wasn’t paying attention. when I finally realized, I wasn’t able to re-edit my thread title or my posts.

mods, please delete/lock this thread.

here’s the intended thread:

Yes. I’m being pushed very hard to go that direction, and I don’t like it.

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Freedom of speech does not mean you can say horrible things about people without consequences. Would you accept it if we were talking about white supremacism? Nazism? Antigay is just a nice word for hateful bigotry.

And this discussion is now closed because sirBoring said he made a mistake. Continue the discussion in the other thread, if there’s anything left to say.