Better off a hermit or a social butterfly?

Would I be better off a complete 100% hermit 100% of the time? I don’t know if I’m meant for friends or family. I get way too paranoid and anxious. I just want to be left alone and not do anything. No, I am not depressed. Sometimes I wonder what my life in a group home would have been like, just like I was so close to ending up in.


Thats how i feel. I couldnt do social butterfly so has to hermit

im a hermit 151515151155

I’m 95% hermit.

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I prefer both, being alone and sometimes socialising. I don’t have the means to go with friends to the cinema or restaurants. I am excluded anyways. I feel more comfortable with myself doing reading or cooking.

I’ve always been aggressively social and totally paranoid. Got dxed at 29 so finally could have good intimate relationships finally because that paranoia really bites and although I’ve many friends I’ve had few lovers because of it…

So would say still. Love my alone time but I really crave human interaction after a while and social is skills you can learn for sure.

Life it better done with others I’ve found.

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I isolate myself a lot. I kinda’ made a lifestyle of it. But I do have a need for at least some social interaction. No one can live completely alone. We’re social animals.

i have been isolated for 13 years. the only person i see is one family member. probably for 5 minutes most days and maybe an hour and a half like once a week. i spend all the rest of my time alone.

I will never be a social butterfly by nature. I will always be introverted and withdrawn. Does this means I can communicate at times? Yes absolutely.

Im social in small groups. Like 5 people or less. Beyond that I end up sneaking away.

Switch every week.

I’m a bit of a hermit. On one hand I have a desire to socialize, on the other there aren’t many chances for me to interact with the opposite sex and by not many I mean none whatsoever, I would have to go way out of my way to interact with new people, and it’s even harder to get to the opposite sex because I don’t have the connections nor are there situations in my life facilitating it. I would love to be more social but it gets tedious for me to actively try as I start to feel like I’m coming off as needy because in your thirties relationships move slowly as f*ck and you almost always feel like an afterthought. Making everything worse there is the fact that I lack any passion whatsoever, which makes bonding over a hobby or something similar borderline impossible.

Pretty much a hermit for my whole life until I went to church. After leaving church however, I became more of a hermit again.

being a social butterfly totally healthy phsically and pschologically than being a hermit