My Ativan schedule is all messed up.
I’m take 1 @ to 2-4 in the morning and 2 @ bedtime. So that’s 15+/- hours in between with no anxiety meds.
Maybe that explains my cannabis habit
Afternoon meds are so farqing hard to remember
My Ativan schedule is all messed up.
I’m take 1 @ to 2-4 in the morning and 2 @ bedtime. So that’s 15+/- hours in between with no anxiety meds.
Maybe that explains my cannabis habit
Afternoon meds are so farqing hard to remember
You’re doctor knows about this and is ok with it? Do other people do it?
A smartphone. My gaming pc comes next. I use my cellphone much more than my gaming pc though.
I got Alexa Echo Dot 3 last year, I can change songs while in the shower by talking to Alexa lol
I prefer having a quiet shower
Yes they know about it and are ok with it.
Sweet. I’m going to look into it.
Are you in the states? Can you DM me info on where to purchase and how to use it?
I’ve ordered from and
I normally order from but they seem to be out of stock at the moment.
I take 2 pills of each on waking. (4 pills in total).
Both of those sites are in the USA.
Sweet. Thanks for taking the time to look they up for me.
I going to talk to my psych about it next visit
A car with working heat.
Probably some movies.
Ice cream too.
J channel cable raceways
Makes managing all the cables from a pc clean and easy on a desk.
That or the oontz blue tooth speaker
Probably ps4 although i bought a pair of winter boots 3 years ago that are still going strong
Just curious. Your Bluetooth shower speaker is waterproof, right? And so, you hang it on the shower head or lay it down on the shower floor or??? How does that work? Also, you press a button to connect to your smartphone to play your favourite music tunes?
A sweat band. I sweat like nuts when working outside. I’m constantly taking my glasses off and wiping my forehead. Now with these sweat bands my work efficiency has increased by 37%.
iMac computer yes123
My 65 inch flat screen tv
I liked my flat screen tv too, though it’s only a 19" or 20". I just got it last summer. I had an old crt tv until then.
I don’t spend money much. The most useful thing I’ve probably bought in the last five years is my PC.
I don’t know…
Maybe something like my laptop.
Or phone.
But fed up with my phone as it has been dropped a few times.
Now I’m not attached to it anymore
I get very attached to phones until I accidentally drop them.