What’s everyone’s fav mood stabilizer? I was on depakote and it made me gain weight, now I’m on trileptal and I have bad stomach pain and fatigue. Anyone have experience with any mood stabilizers that didn’t affect your memory, energy or weight too much?
I did good for a while on lamotrigine. I can’t remember why i stopped taking it but i do remember there weren’t a lot of side effects. The only thing is you have to slowly increase the dosage because some people get some kind of rash from it, but i never did.
I’m on lamictal 200mg.Every pdoc prescribed it,regardless of previous was prescribing.
How do you like it?
I don’t notice anything special,except I’m more stable.Also helps with mood changing.
Has anyone tried tegretol?
I like my lithium. No noticeable side effects. Great mood stabilizer for me.
I love lithium
Lithium here too
I’m on lithium, no adverse side effects for me.
I have to be on Depakote, it’s the only mood stabilizer that keeps me out of the hospital.
@wayward @anon19982023 @Moonwalker and @Hanna_Foxx
what doses do you take lithium at?
600mg, up from from 300 since my levels were low.
I took tegretol for awhile. It’s very sedating. I had to take my full dose at night due to the sedation. I had to be able to get at least 8 hours of sleep of I could never fully wake up the next day. This was problematic at the time because I had little ones and they would frequently get sick in the middle of the night and I would have to tend to them or make trips to the ER. Also I worked at a casino and if I worked a closing shift I would not get 8 hours because I would be up getting the kids ready for school. Lot’s of nights I would just skip the tegretol. One thing about the tegretol even though it is a mood stabilzer for some reason it made my head really quiet. Like too quiet. I found it a shock to my system and had a hard time thinking things through.
I now take 200mgs of topamax. It’s not super strong but it doesn’t cause weight gain. In fact it might help my appetite a little. I like it too because it cuts down on the number of migraines I get. I might need something stronger though, I’m not sure how strong of a mood stabilizer you need.
1200mg every morning.
I was just started on Lithium. We’re going to increase the dose to reach 900mg by next week. I’m very scared. I’m scared of it not working, I’m scared of not feeling any emotion, I’m scared of gaining weight, I’m scared of toxicity levels.
@Anon10 I’m on 1200 mg
Geodon and Seroquel work as very good mood stabilizers for me. I was on valproic acid once, and it made my stomach feel very tender, like if someone hit me in the gut my stomach would bleed internally. I got off it. I don’t need an ulcer.
What did you for sfx?
what does “sfx” mean?