Being cursed with the truth

Sorry if I gave any impression that I wanted to debate this, but I don’t see where I did. And sorry you failed to understand my point.

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It’s funny how you’re trying to question everything and then jump to conclusions like this one just because someone pissed you off.

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Look, I really did not come here looking for a fight, I have said over and over that I do not hate other people for what they believe or look down on anyone.

Just check my original post and the clarifications that I made when initially people interpreted me as just being atheist.

I just feel like I see the world for what it is and I see humans and belief for what it is. This never had anything to do with “playing devils advocate” and I did not want to offend anyone, when the christians showed up I said I am not up for any god stuff in a short but clear way because this thread was about finding people who are like-minded, not people who disagree and would like me to convert to their faith.

When wonderdunk made the point about the hens being raped all the time he made an interesting observation that I have shared, many animals do things to each other that are horrible, a lion eats the cub that is not his own so that its mother will go into heat faster. That observation is important when you think about how many people use the world “natural” in a positive way nowadays. It is a perfect example of what I am talking about, there is no value to nature - nature simply means reality originally and to us humans it can be equally beautiful and horrifying.

Then some of the things wonderdunk says are pretty far out there but as far as I can tell he makes sense when it comes to some of it but he seems to reference a lot of religions and philosophy that I am not really that familiar with but that is ok because at that point in the discussion he seemed to be the only one who understood what I was trying to say. It is easy to misinterpret someone and take their words out of context to make them look bad but that is not a very nice thing to do, even if you disagree with that person.

And your comment just now did not really contribute to the discussion. Yes turnip proved my point by showing that they did not really understand what I was saying, choosing instead to focus on building the straw-man, the picture of me defending child rapists and what have you. They did not accept when I said right out that I did not think that it is ok to do those things and they did not understand that what I was talking about was something completely different. I did not come here to start a fight and I did not come here to defend child rapists. I would never do such a thing.

Turnip could not make the case that I was defending child rapists because if I was I would probably say that I was defending child rapists and not the opposite. I only went so far as to say that child rapists and anyone committing an immoral action has probably rationalized this action and does not believe it to be bad or they believe that the good of the outcome in some way outweighs the bad of the action.

This is important because just as the child rapist might believe he is entitled to rape a child, so a politician believes he is entitled to send people to die in war or a religious person might believe that there cannot be marital rape because he is entitled to sex under protection of holy matrimony. What these people believe causes the actions that are so obviously horrible to most other people. So you should be careful what you believe and you should always be aware that a belief is not as real as the world around you, it only exists inside of you.

I have not really said much about my theories about the world. There are so many things that are uncertain. I have to repeat, I do not know everything. But a lot of suffering and a lot of ignorance is unnecessary and easy to see if you are an outsider who questions the validity of belief.

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