Bad news and good news

The good news:

I have turned into that person at work who can solve tricky problems on short notice.

The bad news:

I have turned into that person at work who can solve tricky problems on short notice.

A manager in another cluster who is friendly with my manager went into the activities queue of a co-worker and discovered all kinds of things on fire earlier today. Said fires landed in my activities queue. I got the activities because, “you’re one of the few people here who I can trust to clean this up quickly and correctly.” I spent my entire day not getting MY work done because I was cleaning up messes caused by someone who is, frankly, gormless. Then I got to work late last night getting the most time-sensitive items in my pile done. I crashed into bed at 9 pm from exhaustion.

Now it’s 5 am and I have been awake for two hours because my schedule is messed up and I have a nice bout of anxiety about work today, wondering what is going to land on me next.

It would be so nice if they would just fire the idiots.


being reliable worker is a good thing i guess.being a good employee in insurance sector is a huge thing.congratulations.i m also working as white collar but feeling are intelligent person.everybody can see at your dishes and photographies


Do you get bonuses. Your performance should be rewarded.


Being irreplaceable is the best way to get a promotion.


That’s not fair. His incompetence is costing your employers and clients too.

I dont see why he’s not being considered for a lay off. Sounds quite baffling.

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May I know in which field u work ?

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My brother used to be exploited, he worked extra time without getting paid but its legal. He ended up threatening them with quitting until they gave him a better position with more pay. He still works extra time though, he manages projects

“No good deed goes unpunished.”

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