Back on the wagon ☮️🕊️

The last week I’ve been trying to practice forgiveness and emotional regulation through letting go. I fell off the wagon really hard yesterday after having delusions about my therapist plotting against me.

I again became very VERY negative and said / thought really bad stuff. I ended up talking to my ex and that calmed me down some . When I’m upset my delusions are really bad and I think I’m like in the Truman show and I have thought broadcasting.

Anyways… I got up today and the same things happened but I decided to forgive and let go and I’m ok so far. I have a feeling I’m gonna get knocked down a lot before I gey the hang of calming and trying to let go…8 years of conditioning to undo


I had to make the decision to forgive all the people who bullied and harassed me because it was bad for my mental health to be mad at them every day.


Yea… in starting to see the wisdom in forgiveness. It’s not easy but at least your not in rage mode or holding on to Soo many toxic emotions…

I would imagine it’s even harder to forgive abuse from you adolescence/youth

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I think you’ll see vast improvements with your mental health once you decide to stop using drugs

I’ve already stopped.

Enough Christmas :snowman:

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Forgive is to forget.
I`ve forgotten most of my Big family and all the people who hurt me in the past.
Live and let live.
They are not worth remembering they must live with what they have done to me.
The only thing people who hurt you want is that you hate them.
Stay away from hate.
Hate is a dark power that will destroy you.
Take your revenge by forgetting all those bad people.
And live your life the best that you Can.

I’m just learning that about hate… It’s nasty stuff. I’m gonna just keep trying until I get better or die… basically.

Currently I’m dealing with extreme rage and hatred when I get anger. I think I have a solution but i have to at least have some people on my side or else what’s the point.

Next time I get upset I’m gonna remember my therapist and mother are not out to get me no matter what!!!

Like I said I can’t wait to get to a place without feeling persecuted…must feel good man.

Dont’t let them win.
Don’t let them defeat you by making you hate them.
Not to hurt your feeling but the only way I could defeat those feelings was by getting some really calming meds. This is not a suggestion to you and I want in no way insult you.
I had it just as you and could’nt over come my hate.
The solution is in your heart but don’t them win

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I appreciate that man… I’m gonna fight until I overcome or die.

Bro. you have it in your heart and are truly a survivor.

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