Aripiprazole-induced behavioural disturbance related to impulse control in a

“We present two cases in which administration of a partial dopamine agonist, aripiprazole, during treatment of bipolar disorder induced behavioural changes related to impulse control and addictions such as hypersexuality and excessive shopping. These symptoms were not related to manic mood because no other manic features accompanied the hypersexuality in case 1 and because excessive shopping increased despite the presence of some depressive symptoms in case 2. Therefore, the impulse control abnormalities in the present cases are not considered as part of a mood switch to mania.”

I finally got my answer, what I had on Abilify wasn’t mania. My Dr was right. @Wave

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“However, these two cases imply that aripiprazole can stimulate dopamine receptors in the specific brain regions associated with impulse control and addiction in the same way that full dopamine agonists do in a pathological state. Furthermore, it is known that the more the receptor reserve exists, the more activation a partial agonist can produce. The limbic dopaminergic projection from the ventral tegmental area has been implicated in addiction and reward experiences such as food, sex, and addictive drugs. These findings suggest that the limbic brain regions that regulate impulsive behaviour such as libido have more spare dopamine receptors than other brain areas”

I wonder if Vraylar does the same. It has no FDA warning unlike Abilify and Rexulti though.

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