Applied for 12 jobs. Got called for three interviews. Most promising job is 7-3:30 Monday-Thursday $22 an hour dental front office. But they had 190 applicants but they want me back for a second interview! Next promising job is more varied hours $18 an hour but with benefits as a dental assistant. We will see!
best of luck to you with finding a job =)
Wow that pay seems really good! Great work getting through with that many applicants.
There are a lot of people searching at the moment.
You must have done a good job at the interview!
Good luck to you. I hope you get it.
The first job doesn’t have medical benefits just 4 weeks of vacation per year and dental benefits
When I applied for my job they had over 300 applicants and were hiring only 20 some odd people, but I landed the job. The fact that you got second interview bodes well. I had about 4-5 interviews before I was hired. I had to do a drivers test, criminal background check, drivers abstract check and do some written tests. But I aced all of it (I’m a delivery driver)
I had an 1.5 hour interview with the national disability insurance scheme. I got approved. I am shitting my pants cause I don’t know what I got myself into. But that is with every new job.
Wow that’s great @Headspark this job is only hiring two people and they want one more experienced
Good luck! They sound like awesome jobs, I was a dental receptionist at one point and studied to be a dental nurse too.
Good luck!!! I hope you get hired :).
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