Anyone schizotypal?

Sure hell yes, we are not that common, and pardon my american/danish/ english

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I have a total loss of myself since my breakdown.
I have social anxiety and I never had it this bad. It stinks. My mental health has deteriorated even though I got better with my psychotic symptoms. Maybe my doctor would try me on 2 antipsychotics before trying tms or ect. I am so tired of this. Ah well life is good for me otherwise it could be worse and itā€™s not.

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In europe it is mostly considered a schizophrenic type of mental illness, les a personality disorder.


I find mixed episodes worse than depression. I get mixed instead of manic, I just get hypomania but canā€™t do much. For mixed moods I get confused, live in fear, irritable, spaced, Iā€™m a mess when Iā€™m mixed. I get psychotic.

I hope you get better, and feel free to send me an PM if you got any questions.

Anxiety sucks, if you are a ā€œcompliantā€ patient you might mention an Mao Inhibitor, instead of your current medicine, it helped me a lot with the anxiety, less with depression

But there is some food and other meds you cant take at the same time as an Mao inhibitor.

I hope you get a relief by TMS

Thanks @bluebutterfly
I am going to mention that to them. The MAO inhibitor. Anxiety is a big concern for me.

I will take you up on the questions if needed thank you.
Thanks for the kind words. Yes maybe TMS would help. I hope I get accepted for the program I am afraid of ECT. Had it when I was young and lost a lot of memories.

Have a good day

Have a good day too, and please tell me if you were helped by either tms or ect.

I was once suggested ECT during a depressed period, and i have seen that it helps a lot of patients, so i wouldnt be that scared now, that i was then (10 years ago)

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Well, I donā€™t hear voices or suffer from paranoia, but I guess my unusual beliefs got worse, I found it harder to make eye-contact and was finding myself increasingly cut off from the world.


Thanks so much for connecting. Itā€™s so good to connect with someone else who has schizotypal disorder. I donā€™t know anyone and donā€™t understand my illness.

Do it sounds like you had some progression of illness. I have too. Iā€™ve lost so much so much functioning since 2011 slowly worse and worse. Itā€™s devastating. Since 3-4 years I canā€™t work, and canā€™t do most things I used to, or with a great deal of difficulties. I used to highly function. :frowning:

I donā€™t hear voices either. But when I get really ill I suffer from a lot of paranoia. I always see minor illusions and sometimes hallucinations, do you? They are much worse when Iā€™m Iā€™ll. Maybe this is the bipolar piece.

Do you have something like what people call ā€˜negative symptomsā€™? Did you end up losing a lot of motivation and passion for life? And feel stuck unable to move for a lot of the day?

Sorry for all the questions! and for putting up with my long post!

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My STD (schizotypal disorder) is pretty stable, but with attacks of delusions, depersonalization and anxiety, especially when stressed. I have also minor micro psychosis, hallucinations, but very few, and 'im not scared of them, since i read Oliver Sacks book about hallucinations.

I havenā€™t got paranoia, but iā€™m very suspicious, and try to tell my self, that most people care most about their own things and if they are interested in me, itā€™s probably because they are curious - or even like me.

The big problem for me, is the negative symptoms you mention. And i do know myself very poorly so very often i cant find the obvoius reason why me negatives all of sudden get worse.

And yes, itā€™s a pretty lonely way of living, even among family and friends, so itā€™s good to hear from somebody else with the STP ā€œconditionā€

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My illusions sometimes donā€™t scare me because I am used to it and my pdoc says I donā€™t have Alzheimerā€™s. But sometimes I am shocked at first. I have hallucinations sometimes and they scare me bad. I get paranoia bad when ill. And I am always on guard now. Itā€™s stinks but Iā€™ve learned to live with a lot.
Good to know someone with STD has these motivation problems that have gotten worse. Sorry to hear that though itā€™s an awful thing.
Good to know we arenā€™t completely alone in the world with this. At least we have this forum because I donā€™t know of any STD support groups or psycho-education counselling for STD. I am grateful for your connecting.

I cant find any STD support group either, a friend of mine said there is af group on Tapatalk, but i like to be here, because there is a lot of similar problems in common with SZ,

In this meme where are the only ones not a car, but an UFO!!!, at least there are other UFOā€™s, donā€™t give up hope.

Haha #11 is a spaceship. Pretty much true.
Yeah I appreciate being allowed in this group too. Many donā€™t understand the things schizotypal experience and someone said itā€™s in the Sz spectrum which Iā€™ve heard before. I just have a lot of insight which may be the difference. (?).
Hope you have a good weekend. My husband wants to socialize in a ā€˜spontaneousā€™ setting with lots of stimulation and energy and interaction with our friends. He does a lot for me so I will of course go and attend in my own way. I have a couple of drinks, no more, to relax. My pdoc knows.

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Have a good weekend too Artsygal, step out of your spaceship for a while and have fun with your husband and friends, good to hear you are in an fruitful marriageā€¦ and i will for sure have a good weekend, flying out to my allotment tomorrow and do some DIY

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Well, technically once youā€™re diagnosed with sz youā€™re no longer regarded as being schizotypal as it occupies a different notch in the same spectrum. Yes, I have experienced visual hallucinations, various self-disturbances and plenty of negative and cognitive symptoms. Apathy, lack of drive or motivation, depression, and memory and concentration problems.


For me schizotypal is a disorder of one dimension, schizophrenia is a disorder of higher dimensions.

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@NotSeksoEmpirico ok ty. I forgot you were later disagnosed with sz. I get those things but I only have schizotypal. I have a lot of insight and not too bad with cognitive issues.
Have a good weekend

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