I can play it for hours so long as I have willing victims. The original was a masterpiece. The third one perfected it. Now the series is ■■■■. All in all though, good concept. Defines a nitch that no one has replicated.
Yes I remember. I own soul caliber 4 and 5 on ps3. Good games. Always like tekken better im a huge fighting game fan
yeah soul calibur is cool,im more of a Tekken fan also but what i really enjoy is Fight Night Round 3 for ps2/psp.
Pong is about my speed. Or Ms. Pac-man. Anything more complicated than those is impossible for me.
Ah forgot about tekken.
Was thinking Mortal Kombat, DOA. I didn’t play to much tekken as back in the day I wasn’t partial to sony. There was virtua fighter as well. Never played that either.
Pete you get a +1 in my book for saying that. I didn’t realize you played video games.
The PSP was the ■■■■. The Vita is probably better but I’m 26 years old.
I would hack and pirate just like back in the day.(3 years… so long ago)
The dream never worked out. The random multiplayer thing. You go to a coffee shop and there are supposed to be 10 or so people playing multiplayer and you join up and make friends. Would have been cool.
PSP had an excellent version of soul calibur btw.
Virtua fight series is ok. Its like the dead or alive series but much more complex. I prefer doa though. Virtua fighter is a bit stiff. Doa has a good flow to it. Mortal kombat and street fighter are my favorite games of all time. The new mortal kombat is great and theres a new street fighter coming out next year. It looks really good.Always have fighting game tournaments with mates. Gets really competitive haha. Lots of drunken tournaments
i have Capcom Classics for the PSP it has Street Fighter 2 i still love that game,some of my favorite games of all time are 2D.
Yeah I here virtua fighter is very technical.
I think DOA is pretty good. They have no weapons so they have a lot more freedom and realism in having a bunch of different fighting styles. The drunk boxer was the ■■■■. When I was younger I drunk box every one sometimes. I’d get in that state and just make people twitch and ■■■■. Don’t do that any more but was fun.
I’ve softened up. According to @odysseus1 i’m a pussy now lol
loved the first one or maybe it was second one cant remember
Those two were alright. If you remember vader, yoda, or spawn than it was the second
The original was on the dreamcast and then ported to xbox360 arcade(the one I was playing).
The best was still soul calibur 3 on ps2. There was a psp version released as well Soul calibur legends I think. Seemed to be the same.