Anyone reading lately?

I remember the first chapter of the book he thought the “black guys” (the assistants or wheatever they were) would rape someone in the hall and when he looks back he thinks there is some conspiracy because they weren’t there anymore.

It is relatable, but I don’t think there are microphones around me (I believe a microchip is in my brain) but the paranoid delusions are spot on

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I’m reading “The Universe” by Andrew cohen and Brian cox .


That sounds like a very interesting book @Ozzyskits

You must be an avid reader! Very cool!!!

I am reading: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

I believe it won a Pulitzer Prize in 2014. It’s very good and I recommend it!

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Im reading an old book on the subject of esoteric religions and philosophies called ‘the secret doctrine.’ Its a difficult read but there are many pearls of wisdom in it, so ill try to finish it.

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Two weeks ago on holiday I finished a book on a chiropractic technique.

Haven’t really read a book since. The desire to read comes in waves.

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Oh yeah i know about that one. Ol’ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is the author if i remember correctly without googling haha.

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The goldfinch sounds intriguing. Just looked it up.

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I’m not reading anything. I go through spurts where I’ll binge read and then stop for 6 months to a year.

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That’s cool. I do a fair bit of reading but i have a habit of not finishing books quite often. I feel the urge to start a different one before ive completed the current one haha. When I’m feeling too numb or down emotionally, I’ll go a while without reading.

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I started doing that: reading bits of different books and not finishing. My niece does that too. She partly reads like 15 books at a time and doesn’t finish. I think it’s funny.

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I have like 200 kinde books/textbooks in case I have to move and don’t like the clutter. It various from stupid conspircy theories, to textbooks on physics and math, and stuff like that. I also have another 50+ physical books. Some are super hard for me and some are just boring. I don’t like fiction or fantasy anymore, but it’s good to read in general and be open.

I need to downsize. I’ve read a lot over the years. I get it from my grandma who probably read over a 1000 books easy in her lifetime. I have no clue how many books I’ve read probably way less haha.

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Haha yeah its difficult not to start a new one sometimes. Its a big commitment to finish a book. Especially the longer, more complex ones.
I couldnt think of anything i would rather do less than read a textbook on math haha. I didnt listen in school and have absolutely zero math skill. I prerrt much dont know any of my multiplacations and can barely add and subtract in my head. Math is something I’ve always shut down around as soon as i hear some. Hate it! :smile:

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I was a math major for a bit (didn’t finish). I kind of became obsessed with it. I’m okay, not great. I wasn’t born good at it. I struggled.

My mom and brother struggle with mathphobia or something.

I tought my youngest niece math at a young age and she ended up in the gifted program, but that’s because she’s smart.

Unfortunately, most of my family (my sister and nieces) don’t like or use computers. They hate them. It’s a weird thing.

Most folks don’t know, but math can be both fun and challenging and beautiful the higher up you go. I don’t know, but maybe I tricked myself into liking math because I wanted to be an engineer or do well.

I used to zone out and get math headaches.

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I admire those who love it and are good at it. I can definitely see how the higher levels of math could be an amazingly satisfying and interesting thing.
I just hate it bacause i suck at it so bad haha.
I am curious why your fam doesnt like computers. Or is it just a normal kinda ‘i just dont like to stare at screens for long’ sort of thing?

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Well my sister is afraid of them since childhood. She told me she feels like she’ll break it haha.

My nieces like nature and they go out and do stuff like surf and activities. Older niece wants to be a hair stylist and the other wants to do nothing or read books.

My brother is okay, but does something else like audio stuff for his job. He wants to get into networking and IT perhaps. He doesn’t like math or coding or doesn’t know how to. I do a little.

My step father is an engineer and computer expert in a way, but I even had delusions about him before. You know, jack of all trades, master of none feeling. He’s smarter than me (now) but I always felt like he was a liar or faker years back. But that’s just me. I’m the sick one. I have zero work experience and no degree, unlike him.

My dad knows some stuff. He was a mechanic.

That’s most of my family or people I engage and talk to and have relationships with.

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Nice thanks. I dont really speak to my fam much these days. But they are all pretty lovely and kind.
I pretty much only hang out with my gf. Especially since we rent a unit together.

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My mom is pretty good for her age at computers. It surpised me. She’s smart. Just didn’t grow up with them. I tried teaching her math and stuff but she always has an excuse. It’s her biggest weakness: math.

My step brother is a genius I guess. You get paid for what you know. His dad (step-father) taught him everything and he makes good money and works in the same or similar field. I have no clue what they do. Something to do with robots and automation. It’s a skill set. I couldn’t do it.

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I’m reading “Spiritual Depression: It’s Causes and Cures,” by David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He was a London preacher who died in 1981. He uses a lot of quotes from the Bible. He is somewhat deep. Each chapter is a 20 page sermon which is about right for me.

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Nice! I love me some theology. I like c s lewis, j.i packer and timothy keller.
I go through phases where i feally get into it for a while.

I just ordered a book called The Winter King should be good

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